Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Excuses Excuses

Yes I know I haven't updated the blog in forever! What? So what? Get off my case.

I know I said I'd write every day, but there are some days when one cannot write. Simply CANNOT write. Such as:

Superbowl Sunday
My Birthday
Any day in New Orleans (Yes, yes, I know that Truman Capote and Tennessee Williams and Anne Rice were able to do so. That's probably because they in fact tried to write, whereas I simply ordered another Sazerac.)
Days when the smog lifts and I can see the mountains
Days when I can't see the mountains for the smog
Days when the Red Sox are playing at home
Days when the Red Sox are playing on the road

See? You see? This is really damn hard people!


  1. I love your blog. Keep writing. Now I want to go to NOLA to try a sazerac!

  2. You should probably write more posts...
