I have slacked off on my blog as a result of a a lack of time, a lack of gumption, and a lack of something to complain about. I started this blog when I was underemployed, frustrated, and afraid. And many times, the fun I had writing about my experiences was the best thing I ever got out of them.
I'm not done telling you, my friends, about the wacky jobs I had when I was scrounging my living. That's right, there's more! In fact, I only really got started in on the good stuff before I got a full time job, but then it just got sort of tough to keep going back to those strange days before. Not that my new job was great or anything, but still. As soon as someone else negotiates my health care, it takes the bitter wind out of my resentful sails. And I can really only pretend to be funny when I am bitter and resentful.
But now I am faced with such a profound professional disappointment that I am reminded of how empty a satisfaction my employment really is.
Behold. I posted this sign over the kitchen sink at work to remind my gracious coworkers to please wash their cups instead of leaving them in the sink for me to wash. No one laughed. Not One Chuckle.
It broke my heart. It broke my heart.